June 18, 2012

Back on Home Turf

If you're wondering why we've been absent from blogging...our AC went out.


At 3:00pm.

Why is it that these things break RIGHT BEFORE the weekend!? We were lucky enough to get someone out to the house in time to not be charged an overtime rate, but by the time they diagnosed all of the issues (yes, issues...plural), all of the parts shops were closed and there was no way we were staying at the house over the weekend. Trying to survive Texas in June with out AC is not an option - especially now with a baby.

Here's where my mommy meltdown happened.

Noah and I had only been gone for a few hours. We were preparing for Noah's big adoption pool party at my in-law's house (will post about that tomorrow hopefully) so I had spent the last two days running around like a mad woman trying to get as much done as possible and help get things set up. Plus, I still had the husband's Father's Day gift from Noah to get done. I was exhausted.

It's pretty obvious when the AC is not working so I was thankful to get a repairman to the house quickly. I text the husband and kept him updated. About an hour into it, he called me saying he had an emergency at work and didn't know when he'd be home.

So not only was I dealing with acting comparable for making decisions about our AC, but I was simultaneously trying to patiently handle my son who at this time of night begins his evening wind down and needs mommy or daddy every waking second to keep him entertained. And I was only frustrating the husband more by texting the gruesome details when he couldn't do anything about it.

After nearly 3 hours the AC guys tell me that it couldn't be done until Monday. At that moment my mother-in-law walked in the door (God bless my husband for calling her because I didn't have the reserves to do so), and I broke.

We packed up what we needed for the night, the big item being Noah's swing (yes, he still sleeps in it), and we spent the last three days/nights camped out in their guest bedroom.

$1000 later and we're back up and running. (Thank God for emergency funds)

In some ways, the scenario as a whole worked out in our favor. Noah's party was at their house and Father's Day plans had already been made to be there as well. On the downside, my Father's Day plans for the husband were completely realigned. I didn't get to do anything I had planned but we adjusted. There's still one missing piece which is his gift from Noah and in the shuffle of everything I can't find any of the supplies I planned on using. I'm praying I come across them soon.

I'm so grateful for my family. But I'm very happy to have Noah back in his own room and to be back in my own bed.

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