May 11, 2013

Mom Fail

We celebrated Mother's Day this morning with the husband's family, enjoying a nice breakfast at a little cafe we've been frequenting a lot. It sits right on this small airstrip just a few miles north of us. Local pilots literally take off and land within several yards of where you're seated. They have great food too, I might add.

Noah absolutely loves this place (and so do we) because of the prop planes. He's incredibly fascinated by them. Plus it doesn't hurt that on the opposite side of the airstrip are train tracks with the occasional train choo-chooing and passing by. Noah's in transportation Heaven what with the trains, planes and all other modes of transport we've seen there. I don't think I'd be incorrect in saying we've gone at least once a week for over a month now. The servers know us.

The weather was beautiful today so we sat on the patio for breakfast and everyone went about their typical way socializing and watching the mini-airshow. At one point, the husband comes over to grab a diaper and wipes to go change Noah's diaper. He's been dealing with his first bout of diarrhea so I gladly let the husband handle this one.

Next thing I know, Noah is back in his high chair sans shirt and shorts and sporting only a diaper and socks and shoes. Mom fail!! The ONE time I don't have any extra clothes in the diaper bag is the ONE time we desperately needed it.

It was nice out but a little chilly what with the wind so I rummaged in our bag only to pull out Aaron's extra outfit. Hmmm....after a little test stretching we thought why not see if the onesie could substitute as a shirt. Sure fit. Snugly, but it fit. Same went for Aaron's pants which hiked up to Noah's knees. As odd as it looked - he was clothed in his 3-month-old brother's outfit.

The rest of the meal we could not stop laughing at his appearance. It's all my fault of course, but he just looked so stinking cute and silly at the same time. He was a cross between a newsie or a little English boy in his knickers. Eventually we figured it looked more like an old fashioned football uniform. 

Needless to say, I will not be forgetting additional clothing again but I love this picture I captured of him. Makes me smile...a lot.

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