July 31, 2014

Summer Days Drifting Away

Summer is flying by.

Summer is flying by!!!

I'm really enjoying my boys. Aside from the learning curves and temper tantrums, this is the age that I couldn't wait to reach. We're doing things and finding new ways to have fun. Now that Aaron is 18 months old, he will get to start at Mom's Day Out in a few weeks in addition to big brother Noah. It'll be the first time I can drop them both off at the same place, kiss their cheeks, hug and wave goodbye for a few hours.

Now if I can just make it through the rest of summer. If I could bribe my kids to not play outside, I would. This is Texas, people. Until then, a lot of popsicles and sprinkler fun is usually on the menu in the afternoon. In fact, it's such an expectation I should start making my own popsicles. But who has time for that?

Hardly a day goes by that Noah doesn't ask to do poppers or fireworks (obviously, every day should be the 4th of July). Aaron is playing so well as Noah's little sidekick until he doesn't want to play and then Noah gets upset that he can't make his brother do his bidding. And then there is the squealing. They're like little banshees that set one another off. Aaron screams then Noah screams then they both scream. Constantly. It's earsplitting, but a happy earsplitting that we're trying to tone down without squelching their zeal for excitement. My boys love life!

I'm trying to take it all in but the summer heat gets in the way. So for those celebrating Christmas in July...bring on the holidays!

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