May 27, 2012

Batter Up!

Today we get to cross off a portion of one of Noah's Life List items!! Woot!

We've had tickets to a Ranger's game for several weeks now and thanks to Gladney, we had a nice discount for the "all-you-can-eat" section of The Ballpark. Since it was technically a Gladney event, we decided to bring Noah along for the ride to experience his first professional baseball game.

He was pretty cute in his Ranger's gear.

Our baby boy was cute, sweaty and completely overwhelmed.  Noah's typically a very sociable, curious baby so we were wondering how he would react to the crowds. Well...

Noah - 1
Mom & Dad - 0

Poor little guy broke down in tears every time the crowd erupted into cheers or if the announcements came on too suddenly. It was also a combination of the heat as well so off went his little shirt and we spent the remainder of the game taking turns walking him around where we could catch a breeze. He also made do by obsessively sucking on ice through a little washcloth that I'd brought.


So note to self, we're not taking Noah back to a game until he's a little older. Also, we must invest in a stash of personal misters pronto.

Great memory though and will be fun to look back on one day!

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