We see my in-laws at least once a week and every time it seems as if they find something new about Noah that they hadn't noticed before. Since I see him day in and day out, I don't always notice the changes unless he does something close to monumental. However lately, I've been noticing some differences in his personality and, shall we sat, dexterity.
Today, for instance, we were "dancing" around the kitchen (simple word for "mom trying to get things done and make it fun while Noah waits") and I jumped a couple of times. Then Noah tried to jump. We did it all day and even with the husband and I couldn't stop laughing at how cute Noah looks trying to copy us! Yes, I admit it that I think my kid's adorable.
One other game we play is with our big box fan. Noah loves for us to turn it on and off. You know how when you make sounds directly in front of the blades the noises reverberate (i.e. Tommy Boy - "Luke, I am your Father")...normally Noah gets a little freaked out by the change in my voice but today he sat right down next to me and started making noises with me at the fan. He's getting brave - lol!
Even though my little guy hasn't said any words yet, it's still pleasing to know that he understands certain words and phrases. By now, it's a huge jumble of things that could become the first word/sentence out of his mouth. Maybe we should start taking bets.
I love seeing the person who is Noah coming to fruition. He's made that jump (no pun intended) from a lump of baby to a mini-human being with ideas, curiosity, attitudes and love.
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