April 17, 2013

Picasso Jr.

Technically Noah's very first "art work" was my gift last Mother's Day (see post here), but there's something about your baby bringing home his first drawing/coloring project from church that makes my heart sing.

I attended a women's conference at my church early this week and was lucky enough to have Noah registered for childcare during the daytime sessions. (Aaron was with Grandma) I brought him along on Tuesday afternoon and he was signed in and over the partition before he realized what was happening and could get too upset. I love the nursery workers and program at the church so I knew he would be ok and eventually have fun.

Two hours later I headed back to pick up my little guy and lying outside the room was a row of papers each with a duck stenciled on. Lo and behold, Noah's little class had completed a coloring project! I don't think Noah has every seen a crayon let alone been allowed to hold a pen or pencil. Nor does he know what to do with them.

When I walked up to the door they had the kiddos sitting in booster chairs in a semi-circle blowing bubbles and talking - no tears or fussing. They really are amazing. I may have been happier to see Noah than he was to see me. Well, he did start to cry so technically I was happier. But the second he was through the door he was my sweet bubbly boy.

As soon as we got home, I put Noah's duck on the refrigerator and now every time he sees it he beams with pride! You ask him where his duck is and he'll run to show you. I love it! The funny thing is the babies were given yellow crayons to "color" with. So you can barely see Noah's markings on it but who cares!

I promised myself a long, long time ago that when I had kids, I would not be one of those moms that kept every single piece of paper my kids brought home. I'm still sticking to that promise but getting to see the start of what we'll experience for years to come really excites me and makes me feel more official as a parent.

Noah's Duck

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