May 14, 2012

A First Ever Mother's Day

My best friend would always tell me that for her first Mother's Day she didn't really feel like a mom. In some ways I have to agree with her. You have a little bundle of joy who hasn't really done much to test any parenting skills but yet you're in full-blown mom mode caring for the little guy 24/7 which should justify earning that title a thousand times over.We've only had Noah for such a short time so there are instances where being a mom still seems too new.

Growing up, I remember making Mother's Day projects for my mom with my brother and of course most of the time it was my Dad's idea. One project in particular I specifically remember sneaking out of children's church with my dad on a Sunday morning to go make hand prints on a portrait-sized matte that contained a beautiful little poem. My mom still has it to this day. Once we got older, Mother's Day became an oasis for my mom (at least I hope so). We made sure she didn't lift a finger if she didn't have to and even though gifts become a little more unpersonalized, we still tried to make the day special.

In talking with the husband, I've always kind of stood by the idea that gifts for Mother's Day shouldn't really come from the dad. Frankly, I'm not his mom. But I'm in favor that the dad should certainly help facilitate (if needed) any gifts to mom from the children. I think at the same time it shows a good example of how to honor us as moms and why we have a Mother's Day.

That's what I would only request for myself anyhow. Of course each mom out there is different.

We had a special Mom's Day yesterday. After waking up with the baby, the husband took him so I could go back to sleep. Three hours later, I woke up and they were both gone. A text message on my phone revealed they had gone to the grandparents' house to do a little art project. When they returned, I came downstairs to a white canvas board that had been "painted" by Noah. And yes, I cried. Mostly because the thought came from my wonderful husband who is never much one for "holidays created by the greeting card companies". But you can definitely celebrate without buying into the hype of a holiday and I will forever cherish the gesture and pray it continues.

He's almost five months old and look how much talent the kid already has! Of course I'm not biased!

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