September 17, 2014

Happy Shots

During our second year of marriage, we unexpectedly found out that the hubby had Type 1 Diabetes. At the age of 26, you'd think someone would have noticed something by then. In fact, his endocrinologist actually diagnosed him as Type 1.5 since it had surfaced so late in life. 

Needless to say, it would be impossible to count the number of insulin shots he's given himself over the past 7 years. It's so much a part of the breakfast/lunch/dinner/bedtime routine that I barely notice him taking his shot and the same applies for the boys. They just know that Daddy has to take shots and he gets to pull his shirt up and do it on his tummy. 

Obviously when we've taken the boys for any vaccines, etc. they don't appreciate being stuck by a needle, but somehow they don't associate shots at the doctor with the shots Daddy takes. So more often then not, when the hubby is taking his insulin and the boys are nearby, they line up to get their "shots" as well.

Cute to us. Maybe a little frightening to anyone else nearby. Haha!

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