July 6, 2012

Oregon - Day Eight

We're staying in a city called The Dalles tonight. I keep saying that it sounds like the title to a reality show or soap opera. The town itself sits on the Columbia Gorge River and has a nice small-town feel to it without being too small.

The drive today was another last-chance drive meaning once we passed a certain spot there was no stopping until we made The Dalles. I had my turn at driving since the roads were all over the place. No chance I'd be able to be of any help in the backseat trying to entertain Noah. I get motion sick on a back porch swing. We made one quick stop to take a scenery pic but kept going until we made our destination.

Since driving thru and east of the Cascades the weather made a significant shift so we've been sweating it in the 90's in this part of the state. The landscape it almost desert-like as well so I'm certainly missing being closer to the coast.

Aside from the drive we made a quick visit to the Columbia Gorge Museum and found a place downtown called The Clock Tower for dinner (no, it didn't look anything like Back to the Future).

All in all, it was kind of a rough day for me. I'm having a great time but am ready to be home.

Photo doesn't do the background view justice.

Columbia Gorge Museum

Next: Day Nine

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